




Design and implementation of springboot campus carpool wechatapplet                         abstract

With the advent of the Internet era, the development of mobile app is very rapid. Campus service apps are also countless, but most of them have single functions. It can only meet some of the needs of students and can not realize convenient services on campus. As a result, students often need to install a large number of mobile phone software and register and log in frequently, which is very inconvenient. At the same time, it is also easy to cause problems such as insufficient mobile phone memory and personal information leakage. In order to bring convenience to the travel of students and protect their personal information security, the members of the project team conducted in-depth research and found that wechat applet has the characteristics of convenience and quickness, ready to use and go, security and stability, and does not occupy memory. At the same time, its built-in wechat is more easily accepted by users and is suitable for promotion in Colleges and universities. Therefore, I decided to develop a campus carpool applet with wechat applet as the carrier to bring convenience to students.

The development of campus carpool wechat applet is based on MVVM mode and Java language. MySQL is used as the main storage unit of background data, and the springboot framework is used to realize all the functions of the system. Campus carpooling wechat applet has the functions of carpooling to find people, carpooling to find cars, carpooling order payment and so on. This system has the characteristics of high code reuse rate, low system maintenance cost, convenience, flexibility and efficiency.

Key words: Campus carpooling, springboot, database

目  录

第1章 绪   


1.2 国内外研究现状

1.3 研究内容

1.4 开发工具及技术 3

第2章 系统分析 7

2.1 可行性分析 7

2.2总体设计原则 7

2.3 系统需求分析 8

2.4 业务流程分析 8

第3章 系统设计 11

3.1 系统概要设计 11

3.2系统结构设计 11

3.3 数据库设计 12



4.2管理员功能模块 22

4.3用户功能模块 24







6 总结 30

参考文献: 31

致谢 33

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