




Design and implementation of college attendance applet


With the development of computer and the application of network technology, today's society is rapidly moving towards information automation society, and the role of information automation is particularly important, especially in the management field of various industries. Intelligent information processing has been the most effective method to improve efficiency, standardize management and objective review. In recent years, with the rapid development of mobile Internet, employee attendance management has become an important content of personnel management in enterprises and institutions. Various emerging attendance systems have been gradually applied to attendance management, such as the college attendance applet studied in this paper. It is actually applied to the school's record and management of students' daily attendance information.

This paper mainly combines the wechat applet with the attendance management system, determines the database structure according to the functional design on the basis of detailed demand analysis, and realizes the complete coding. The college attendance applet uses the springboot framework of Java language and MVVM mode to complete the page design and function implementation of the main modules of the system.

Key words:College attendance; Springboot framework; Wechat applet

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